This past weekend was on of the best I've had in a long time, and for no big special reason. Just a bunch of little things that made me happy. Starting with an amazing fall day in Newburyport with the little brother...
I'm not sure how many other early 20-something brother/sister duos usually take scenic drives around New England towns for fun, but we're dorks like that. Our road trip loving dad was very proud.
We decided that this was definitely one of the most adorable little towns in Massachusetts. We ate lunch at The Purple Onion and watched the little kids play at the park across the street. Almost too cute.
Oh, and then we bumped into the "Avenging" (!!) Andy Pratt. If any of you are in the market for a combination musician/spiritual healer, he is your man.
*sigh* I looooove New England in the fall. Matty and I decided there is no place else we'd rather live. Ever.
And then there were BURRITOS! at Anna's. We opted not to get the ginormous SUPERBURRITOS!, as we recalled the not-so-great feeling we had after making that mistake the last time. They are the best, but ordering here reminds me a lot of The Soup Nazi. I get a little nervous.

(Sidenote: I did not take the above picture, I found it on Google, but I had to post it for obvious hilariously ironic reasons)
An amazing/sad/beautiful/fun/crazy movie followed. Really, go see it.
An amazing/sad/beautiful/fun/crazy movie followed. Really, go see it.

In true design dork fashion, I couldn't help but pay attention to the colors and mood of the whole film. Everything felt neutral and dirty, but in this curiously appealing way. I want to design an entire room around this picture.
And then there was the lovely lady (sorry I didn't get your name!) at Helena's who said she liked my blog. If you're reading this - you absolutely made my day! My weekend actually, so THANKS! :)
Good times.
*Just realized this is my 100th post! WOOHOO!*
And then there was the lovely lady (sorry I didn't get your name!) at Helena's who said she liked my blog. If you're reading this - you absolutely made my day! My weekend actually, so THANKS! :)
Good times.
*Just realized this is my 100th post! WOOHOO!*
Hey! That was me! Now I feel famous.